Yeah, all the old updates go here. If you are reading through them (strange person) remember that they are old, they don't mean much anymore. That's why you usually don't read the old updates. Whatev. Er- have fun.

Happy St.Patrick's Day! This is my favorite holiday! I am part irish (and it's the day after my birthday).(:
Shamrocks are cool too.  I am not a very lucky person...

I'm thinking about putting some of my stories on here. So there's something new. We have school off on Thursday and Friday!

I organized my blob zoo by color! Porfavor escribas en mi guest book

I deleted some of the old guest book posts. Since some of them were a bit strange. (: I also moved the last post from this page to the news archive since it was a bit large. I also moved put the counter at the top and bottom of this page. Well that's all.

As you might have noticed I have changed the banner to a right side banner. After a minute or so The bottom portion dissapears and only a small box is left. This is much better than a big banner :). Don't you think so? Wel then go comment in my guestbook!

I have added a link section to the site. Check it out here

Yay Bush won! That blob link is annoying. I finally fixed it though. I updated the tool bar too. Buenos dias!

If you can go out and vote BUSH! If not nag the vote! GO BUSH!

If you are reading this go put something in my guest book!!!

I got bored and moved all the updates to the NEWS ARCHIVE!!! Yeah, it's not that big of a deal. I updated thte tool bar. I have a guest book now please go visit it here. I am goign to be a Hershey Kiss for Halloween!
Anyways Happy Halloween!!!


-I added a list of daily freebies on neopets. Check 'em out here!
-I didn't forget about this website! If anyone even remotely comes here. I just got absorbed with neopets. I really don't have any neopets help genuinly of my own so I'm going to make a list of neopets help links. Veiw the few links here Neopets Help Links!
-YAY! I finished the distibution of my layout in 20 minutes! I am going to now start working on the neopets help portion of my site that is unrealeased!
July 17th, 2004 2:50 PM
- I took away the pooh blog. I have no idea why that was up. Since I am leaving for camp tomorrow I have made it my goal to distibute the new layout within the next 30 minutes.
July 7th, 2004 2:30 PM
-Still working on distributing the layout to all my pages. I fixed the link to the blob page check it out! (here). I am also working on uploading more blogs to my site and displaying the HTML for them.
-Layout Finished! It's not much but I think it's cool. (; I still have to distribute it to all my pages though. Ugg...
July 3, 2004 8:00 PM July, 3rd 9:00 PM
-I am currently working on a new layout.
July 1, 2004 10:30 PM
Hey look at some pics of my dog, JAKE! CLICK here.
You can out check my Romania research here.
