Home Sweet Home (:



I like mushrooms, not to eat though.
to my site! This is where I put stuff I think is cool. Some of it is strange and you may not enjoy it quite so much. But if you're here you probably are a friend. (: Anyways, I am too cheap too pay for this website. The nicest banner I could find is the one at the bottom which only takes away part of your viewing space and doesn't block the edge of the screen. If you want to e-mail me about my site my e-mail address is mushroom716@yahoo.com.

big and small

This is a nifty counter that I got at boingdragon.com!

I have updated the freebies on the Neopets Assistance page. It's much better now. (: That's pretty much it. Yupperz.

Ok, so I haven't done anything to this site in like 2 months. I'll try to get some more Jake pics up and get another guestbook. I do have a 4 day weekend! Toodaloo! (: -I did what I said I would, but I figured it be silly to make a new entry. So go check out the new photos of my puppy dog and post in my guestbook! ;)

Well, the school year has begun and I survived my first week of boredom. /: Anyways, I added Neopets Assistance to the toolbar above. I formatted all my Romania pages to the new style. Some of the pictures no longer existed either. I also moved some images and stuff around in folders but you can't even tell I did that, nor do you care. Well, C ya.

I made some nicer cat counters on boingdragon.com. You can now see the mouth and eyes and whatnot. I've updated a few of the pages and there are more Jake pictures. I added ~Links~ to the toolbar above. And that's about it. (:

Sorry I haven't done anything on here for the whole summer. heh heh. I moved all the old updates to the news archive. It was feeling cluttered in here. I'm now going to use 0's in my dates (that would be a small update). Before school starts again I'm going to tweak the layout to make it pretty and easier for me. The guest book is no longer with us. It was like messed up or something so I deleted it. I'll get a new one eventually. I'm going to put up more Jake (my dog) pictures and try to think up more things to put on here. Chao for now! (rhymes)

This is a nifty counter that I got at boingdragon.com!

Since May 25, 2004 8:30 PM (Central US time).