insert title Links

Neopets Here you can create your own virtual pet(s), earn Neopoints (to buy virtual items), meet real people on the neoboards, play games, and loads more! I waste lots of time here all the time. If you want to talk to me on Neopets my username is stptheflyingmonkeys .

Automatic Flatterer! If you're feeling down go here. It's not too cheesy either. When the alert asks you for your name try putting another adjective with it like "Sarah the Exalted".

The Llama Song This is one of the coolest songs. It will make you laugh. AND you won't be able to stop humming it for days!

HTML Goodies I owe my basic knowledge of HTML to this site. My curiosity was piqued by the guide on Neopets (great for begginers) but this site is awesome. It's not boring to read and is easy to understand. If you want to learn HTML (and some other things like CSS) go here.

Big Numbers Here you can enter really big numbers in numerical form and it will tell you how to say it outloud. I thought that was really cool. Use it in math class. Put images on the web for free. This is very useful because (and other hosts I suppose) won't let you use images on their server on other web sites (like Neopets). This is the site that hosts mine. It's nice and has some cool features. You don't have to know HTML because they have default pages. They offer some free things like polls and counters. You have to say you are at least 13 to have a webpage (this is the same with doing anything official on other sites).

Boing Dragon Counters These are the best free counters. The cat on my homepage is from here. There are other styles and they are all really cool.
